Hack This Fall 2.0--HACKATHON

Participate in Hack This Fall 2.0--HACKATHON

HACKATHON Dates:- 22 to 24 October 2021. 48 Hours Virtual Hackathon.

The themes for Season 2 are as follows:

  • Climate change and Environment Climate change is an ongoing problem with our planet, so we want to encourage hackers to build solutions to tackle this issue and come up with some innovative solutions.

  • Blockchain and Crypto Blockchain, the next generation of the internet is decentralized. It'll be a great experience for the hackers to learn new blockchain techs and work with various chains and come with unique ideas while learning.

  • Open Innovation We don't want our hackers to limit their ideas, so we also have an Open Innovation track where hackers can come up with their own ideas, and make awesome innovative projects irrespective of any theme.

  • Diversity & Inclusion Build a hack that helps communicate the importance of managing bias and make it more diverse and inclusive. With this track, we aim to promote the development and advancement of underrepresented groups.

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